Clive and Carol Kimpton came to Melbourne five years ago. The move from northern NSW brought them closer to family and provided the opportunity to settle on a smaller property in Healesville. It’s a delight to visit their home where I’ve experienced warm hospitality. Clive is a passionate gardener, and his garden is beautiful. He takes great pleasure in it and is happy to share his knowledge.

Clive was born in Mount Gambier, South Australia, and Carol was born in Auckland, New Zealand. Clive grew up south of Adelaide in Glenelg and Brighton where they looked out over the sea. He often walked down to the beach—where he learned to swim.

Carol was only an infant when her parents were transferred to Mussau Island, north of Papua New Guinea. They later returned to Australia where Carol went to Primary School in Geelong and Warburton; finally completing school at Prospect Primary School and High School in Adelaide.

Clive attended Prospect Primary School for a short time and completed High School at a state school. Carol graduated from Avondale College—now Avondale University—as a primary teacher. She taught at Maris Brothers; Oakleigh SDA School and later home-schooled their two boys, David and Clinton until they went into Grade Three.

After completing theological training at Avondale, Clive ministered for six years in the Victorian Conference. He ministered to the churches of Wangaratta and Portland, two years in Melbourne—Glen Huntly and Nunawading—then Ararat and Stawell where they rented a house on a big farm.

Imagine this; while serving the congregations of Ararat and Stawell, Clive and Carol lived on a property where they had a poodle that rounded up the sheep!
Quoting Clive, ministry in the Melbourne churches “was our first—and I’m grateful—our last stint at Street Preaching.”

Before moving to Healesville, the Kimpton’s lived at Tyalgum, NSW, for 36 years where they attended the Murwillumbah SDA Church. Clive relates that they had 10 acres at Tyalgum and he often spent eight hours a day in the garden.

One day, though, he clearly heard a voice say, “It’s time to sell.”

So, they have come to where they’re closer to family, and where they live on a smaller property. Clive and Carol both enjoy the fellowship of Lilydale Church—Carol is involved in children’s ministry and Clive is an active participant in Sabbath school. We’re blessed by their presence and ministry.

Geoff Panckhurst